Somalia security forces on Thursday killed at least three Al-Shabaab militants and injured four others in heavy fighting with the insurgents in Bariire location in southern region.
Deputy Governor of Lower Shabelle region, Abdifitah Haji Abdulle, told reporters that Al-Shabaab militants attacked Somalia National Army base in Bariire, sparking fierce fighting between the army and insurgents.
“Terrorists attacked army bases in Bariire location in Lower Shabelle region today, then fighting broke out that lasted about two hours. Somali National Army killed 3 Al-Shabaab militants and wounded 4 others,” Abdulle said.
Abdulle added that there were no casualties on Somali National Army side during the fighting in the area.
A resident in Bariire told Xinhua by phone that residents have deserted the town due to fears of retaliatory attacks by the insurgents.
“I cannot tell the number of casualties of the fresh fighting today, but casualties will only be from warring sides here because residents were displaced already,” the resident said.
Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the latest assault in Bariire town which is about 60km south of the capital Mogadishu.
At least 18 Al-Shabaab militants were killed last week after they raided a military base in Bariire town.