In 2017, the ICRC continued to help the people of Somalia affected by over 35 years of armed conflict and harsh climatic conditions like droughts and floods.
At the onset of the drought in Somalia, the ICRC assisted over 2.3 million persons of which 1.3 were assisted with financial, food, essential households, and livestock treatment. Over 480,000 persons received medical assistance and more than 700,000 people received clean water and better sanitation.
The detention teams made 43 visits to places of detention.
Highlights of our work in Somalia in 2017
Provided economic support to 581,500 people through cash relief, cash for work, and cash grants
Distributed emergency food and essential household items to 606,510 people
Exchanged 71,300 Red Cross Messages to connect people separated from their loved ones
Provided medical supplies that benefited over 410,800 people in primary health care
Improved access to clean water for nearly 295,000 people through borehole and well projects
Assessed the living conditions of 2,700 detainees to ensure they are treated humanely and with dignity.