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Somali president to solve latest rift within the parliament.

Somalia’s president will try and heal a rift over parliament, the latest skirmish in a long feud between the lawmakers of the struggling government.
Government sources said the President and his Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire will meet at the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu.
Earlier, the president met Jawaari, the speaker of the parliament, both men agreed on many issues regarding the current political crises.
Jawaari and Khaire have had an uneasy relationship since last month with Parliament members divided into two wings making the disputes very complicated.
Sources said Sunday the dispute will have to follow Somalia’s draft constitution where everyone is asked to abide by the law.
The  government has made the most progress to restore law and order since Somalia sunk into to anarchy after dictator Mohamed Siad Barre’s 1991 ouster.
By Mohamed Odowa.