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Somalia: Al-shabaab attacks Somalia and African Union military base in Jubaland state

Mogadishu-KNN- Reports from lower Jubba region of Somalia’s Jubaland administration said that heavy fighting between Al-shabaab and government troops in incorporating with AMISOM troops erupted on Tuesday.

Both sides claims success about the fighting.

Al-shabaab, terrorist group in Somalia reported on their news website that they seized bases of government troops and killed members of them.

Jubaland administration officials told RadioKulmiye that the government soldiers and AMISOM repulsed an attack from Al-shabaab.

Residents of Qoqani village told KNN that fighting between government and Al-shabaab lasted hours and caused casualties from both sides.

There is no confirmed number of casualties.

Al-shabaab constantly attacks bases of government and African Union troops in Somalia.