News in English

Somalia: Government soldiers executes high rank Al-Shabab official

Mogadishu-KNN-Al-Shabab militants attacked government troops’ base in Lower Shabele region, Qoryoley district, Somali military officials told Radio Kulmiye that they have repulsed.

District administration secretary Ibrahim Malable told KNN that government troops have killed at least four militants, saying that they have executed one of those killed.

Also one civilian was killed according to military officials.

Ibrahim Malable said that government soldiers successfully repulsed an attack from Al-Shabab.

There is no immediate comment from Al-Shabab About today’s fighting.

The Al-Qaida linked terrorist group in Somalia Al-Shabab have been fighting against Somali government and its alliance for years.

Recent weeks Somali army and US especial forces have been targeting Al-Shabab’s camps in Jubbaland administration.