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Somalia: Government troops and alliance retook a village from Al-shabaab in Lower jubba region.

Kismayo-KNN-Fighting between Al-shabaab and government forces accompanied by Kenyan troops of AMISOM and US forces occurred in lower Jubba region of Jubbaland Administration, where US service member was killed by Al-shabaab on Friday.

Somali military officials told Radio kulmiye that they have killed at least 25 fighters of Al-shabaab and retook Bar-sanguni village, about 50 km southwest from Kismayo town.

43th sector commander of SNA general Ismail Sahardid told army service radio that they have succeeded their operation, Al-shabaab has been controlling Bar-sanguni village for years but government forces and their alliance took last week.

The insurgents attacked bases of the army with car loaded with explosives and at least seven soldier of SNA.

Early hour of Sunday, government troops, Kenyan troops of AMISOM and US advisors left the village and Al-shaab retook.

According to Somali military officials they now retook the village which is said it is an important for getting the Al-shabaab controlled Areas of Lower jubba region.