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Somalia: Speaker Jawari resigns amid political crisis

Mogadishu-KNN- Mohamed Osman Jawari, Speaker of the Somalia’s parliament lower house also known as house of the people resigned, his first deputy announces.

After looming political crisis in Mogadishu Jawari had discussions with the President Mohamed Abdullahi farmajo to reach political stability, but Mohamed Osman Jawari ended the political standoff in Mogadishu as he resigned.

His resignation came as MPs were due to meet to vote the no confidence motion against him.

The political challenges made by the motion caused splitting in to two for the lower house MPs.

One side was leading the first deputy speaker Abdi wali Sheekh Ibrahim mudey, which is the side proposed the motion against the Speaker of lower house, while Speaker Jawari was leading the other side.

Reports said that Jawari will address to MPs the coming Wednesday.

Jawari has been in power since 2012 and it is his second term of the office.