News in English

Somalia’s Al-Shabaab claims Wajir attack in which 8 died

Mogadishu-KNN-Somalia-based terrorist group, Al-Shabaab, has claimed responsibility for the Sunday attack in Bojigaras, Wajir County that left eight security officers dead after their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device (IED).
The Al-Qaeda-linked militant group claimed they killed 15 security officers and injured 23 others.
According to SITE Intelligence Group, an American firm that tracks online activity of white supremacists and jihadist organisations, the Al-Shabaab group released a video of multiples attacks in Kenya on Monday for propaganda purposes to “honour slain fighters who include an unidentified Briton killed fighting alongside them.”
After the police Land Cruiser hit the IED on Sunday, the attackers who were hiding nearby ambushed the security officers.

Daily nation.