Radio Kulmiye
Somali News

Al-Shabaab oo laga saaray Tuulooyin muhiim ah oo ka G/Jubada Hoose.

Kismaayo-KNN-Wararka ka imaanaya Tuulooyin ka tirsan Deegaanka Baar-Sanguuni ayaa soo sheegaya in Ciidamada Dowladda ay Al-Shabaab ka saareyn tuulooyin muhiim ah oo ay

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Somali News

Madaxda Urur Gobaleedka IGAD oo shir deg deg ah ku yeelanaya Itoobiya.

Muqdisho-KNN-Hogaamiyaasha Wadamada Urur gobaleedka IGAD ayaa lagu wadaa in dhawaan ay isugu yimaadaan shir deg deg ah oo ka dhacay Dalka Itoobiya. Shirkaan

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News in English

Ethiopia, Somalia call for joint efforts to fight terrorism

Mogadishu-KNN-Ethiopian and Somali leaders on Saturday called for joint international efforts to fight terrorism which has claimed innocent lives in Somalia and across

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News in English

Ethiopia seeks to legitimise port deals with Somalia

Mogadishu-KNN-Ethiopia has agreed on a joint investment in Somali ports in what could be seen as Premier Abiy Ahmed’s move to legitimise logistical

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